ESP8266 Weather Station: Getting Started Guide

ESP8266 Weather Station: Getting Started Guide by Daniel Eichhorn
English | 1 Sept. 2016 | ASIN: B01LFX8Z5W | 23 Pages | AZW3/MOBI/EPUB/PDF (conv) | 65.6 MB

The ESP8266 is a programmable chip similar to the Arduino microcontrollers but it can be easily connected to a WiFi network. This guide helps you to get started with your first Internet-of-Things (IoT) project: a crisp OLED display shows weather information on several side-scrolling screens. In a first part the guide covers which hardware components to use, which software to install and how to configure the demo code to display weather information for your city. Summaries at the end of each chapter help to understand what has been accomplished. Info boxes explain important expressions and technologies to beginners.

In the second part of the book three more projects are introduced: a plane spotting tool which fetches information from the internet about the planes that are above your head, a world clock which displays times in various timezones together with beautiful icons. Do you want to measure temperature and humidity outside your house? The ClimateNode project explains how to do that.



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