Introduction to Programming with JavaScript, P5, and Processing (Cook’s Books)

Introduction to Programming with JavaScript, P5, and Processing (Cook’s Books) by Robert Cook
English | 30 Jun. 2015 | ASIN: B010R0VMQS | 258 Pages | True AZW3 (Kindle)/(PDF conv) | 5.78 MB

Learn to program with the most exciting and innovative technology on the Internet: JavaScript and P5. Also, the book introduces the reader to HTML and JSON. Watch the video at No software to install. All coding and examples are on the Web at Examples and user programs are available world-wide on PCs, tablets and phones. Easily share your code with friends and family.

The book uses game technology, such as sprites, background scrolling, particles, projectiles, image effects, and physics to keep the reader motivated.

This is the only programming book for which the author will answer readers questions. E-mail kindlecbook at The question must contain a link to a Fiddle, must pertain to that Fiddle, and must relate to the book. Questions will be answered in the order received subject to the time available per week.



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