Make: Tinkering: Kids Learn

Make: Tinkering: Kids Learn by Making Stuff by Curt Gabrielson
English | 6 Nov. 2015 | ISBN: 1680450387 | 250 Pages | EPUB/MOBI/PDF (True) | 25.77 MB/46.04 MB/33.73 MB

After-school and out-of-school programs–as well as home schooling–have been growing steadily for nearly a decade, but instructors are still searching for high-interest content that ties into science standards without the rigidity of current classroom canon. The author draws on more than 20 years of experience doing hands-on science to facilitate tinkering: learning science while fooling around with real things. Updated with new photographs and in full color, this new edition is even more accessible to young makers or young-at-heart makers.

In this book, you’ll learn:

Tinkering techniques in key science areas
How to let kids learn science with hands-on tinkering
Engaging techniques for science learning at home, in school, or at a makerspace or library
Step-by-step instructions for activities that don’t end with a single project, but that provide many paths for “tinkering forward”.



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